New Print Preview Feature

I’ve always said that one of the things I love about Plan to Eat — besides the fact that it simplifies one of my most dreaded tasks — is that as a company they are constantly rolling out new features based on the feedback they get from users, and this latest feature is so very cool.

You can now print your recipes in a variety of different formats, including different size fonts, the ability to select which information to include and page layout.

I could try to explain all the options, but it’s so much better to see them for yourself.

Just look:


The default view includes all of the recipe information in full-page format and a 12pt font, like the example above.


You can also be more selective about which information you include so that your recipe all fits on one page.

print-previewPrint it in a standard 3×5 recipe card size, using a smaller font to help it fit on one or two cards.


Or choose the slightly larger 4×6 format to make room for more information and/or a picture.

This is a great way to print recipes for your own kitchen as well as to share with others, giving you control over how they look and what information is included!

Which format is your favorite?

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