Broccoli Rice

I had doubts about this dish. My doubts were similar to doubts I’ve had about other recipes in More with Less. It just sounded too simple to taste good. Once again, though, my doubts were unfounded. My family ate this up without complaint, asked for seconds, and even requested the leftovers for lunch the next day.

I made just some slight alterations based on my own food principles. We used soaked brown rice (a la Sally Fallon), and butter instead of the margarine.

If you’re trying to be economical, I recommend buying a block of cheese and grating your own. The warehouse store where we buy our cheese keeps changing the prices between their one pound and two pound chunks, so that sometimes the one pound chunk is cheaper and sometimes the two pound chunk is cheaper. They’re pretty sneaky. Be sure to check your unit prices.

We also buy our rice in 25 pound bags and store it in five gallon buckets. This lowers our price substantially. We order through a local co-op that buys grain in bulk. If you don’t have this option available to you, your local health food store may order a bag for you. Sometimes they’ll even give you a discount. You can always buy your rice from a warehouse store, but it will be treated with preservatives and won’t be as fresh. If you don’t eat a lot of rice though, buy your rice in smaller quantities, since rice goes rancid fairly quickly (within 6 months or so).

We served this up with a fresh salad and some persimmon bread (which was reputedly very tasty).

I was thinking next time I’d try swapping out the veggies. Spinach would be good, as would red bell peppers….or maybe a little of both. Share with us in the comments if you try any tasty new combos.

Broccoli Rice

Source: More with Less by Doris Janzen Longacre


  • 12 cup brown rice
  • 14 cup butter
  • organic onionchopped
  • 2 cups chopped broccolicooked and drained
  • 23 cup grated cheddar cheese
  • 12 cup milk


See More with Less cookbook, page 128

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