Come on, Let’s Cook!

And we are back! We hope you have all had a lovely spring break. We enjoyed some good family time and I enjoyed a little organizational time. I love to have things nicely organized, it keeps my mind feeling clear. My house is the cleanest when I am stressed. Cleaning is my escape, my illusion of control when life feels chaotic. But I digress…

We have been cooking through Jamie Oliver’s cookbook called Jamie’s Food Revolution. This is the first time I have worked my way through a cookbook and I am really enjoying it. We have enjoy most of the recipes and it has helped get me out of my cooking rut!

We hope you will join us.

Let me review the process and highlight a few changes. If you cook with us and leave a comment on the post for that recipe, you will be entered into our giveaway and you could win a 1 year subscription to Plan To Eat! You will have to get the cookbook in order to cook with us. The recipes that I post will be linked to my Plan to Eat account and will have the ingredients listed for you so you can generate your shopping list. The recipes will not have the directions included. (copyright laws, you know!) However, many of the recipes can be found on Jamie Oliver’s web site. I will try to point out which ones you can find there.

The first 4 weeks I cooked 6 days a week and wrote a post for each recipe or group of recipes. That pace was a bit much for our family so we are going to spread it out across 2 weeks from now on. I will give you the next 6 recipes or group of recipes that I will prepare in the next 2 weeks. I will continue creating a post for each recipe as I cook it to letting you all know what we thought. You can then plan to cook one or more of the recipes from the meal plan and leave a comment on the post for that recipe to be entered into our drawing. You do not have to cook the same day I do, just during the same 2 week period. We are extending our giveaway period to every 2 weeks as well, rather than every week.

Here are the recipes for the next 2 weeks:

Find a couple that looking interesting to you and cook with us! Then let us know what you think.


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