Recipe Swap Friday–Allergen-Friendly Chocolate Coconut “Fudge”

Welcome again to Recipe Swap Friday! I’m so glad you’ve joined us today. I brought my newest, most favorite, just-sweet-enough treat (and it happens to be gluten- and dairy-free!)

First though, I have to apologize. Because Recipe Swap Friday won’t be back next week, or the next week. This is going to be our last recipe link-up for now (I know! I’m going to miss you, too.) I have lots of good excuses, most of them involving my little people here at home, but I know you don’t really want to hear them so I’ll spare you. But thanks to all of you who have joined us these past few weeks, and especially you who have swapped recipes with us!

And we’ll bring the link-up party back every once in a while, just for giggles.

For this week, though, you can link up to your favorite just-sweet-enough recipe below, either on your blog or in your Plan to Eat account. If linking up to your Plan to Eat account, just cut and paste the url from the recipe in your recipe book. Mine recipes are sweetened with alternative sweeteners (honey, agave nectar, coconut sugar…..) but yours can be any treat that’s not-too-sweet.

Shall we?

This week I’m sharing Chocolate Coconut “Fudge”. It’s actually unfair to call this fudge, because it’s not very much like fudge at all. It’s kind of like chocolate bark….but not really. I’m not sure what it is. But it’s yummy. Really yummy.

I gave a piece to the Sweetie Pie and said, “You have to tell me if this is actually good, or if it just tastes good because I don’t remember what real treats taste like.” He asked for more. I told him this was only for people who have food allergies and are therefore treat-less. I pointed him to the stash of chocolate kisses in the cupboard. He looked disappointed, which I think means that it’s actually pretty yummy.

So please don’t be deterred by my lack of photographic finesse. I know they look like tortilla chips or black bean something-or-others. Seriously, this stuff is wonderful.

The recipe calls for nut or seed butter. You could use plain old peanut butter. I can’t tolerate peanuts, and almond butter is just way too expensive lately (Was there a crop failure or something?? It’s practically doubled in price!) I used unsweetened sunbutter, which is made from sunflower seeds. I like the results very much. Whatever you use, I do recommend using the “natural” version which tends to be a bit thicker.

I’m curious to try this out with other things mixed in. Almonds? Dried fruit? Spices? I’m also wondering about the possibility of making other shapes. Perhaps some little truffle-like balls? If anyone does any experimenting, please share in the comments!

Note that you have to store this in the freezer, otherwise it gets too soft.

Plan to Eat users, click on the recipe title to import the recipe into your account.

Chocolate Coconut Fudge

Source: Free Coconut


  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup nut or seed butter (I used sunbutter, unsweetened)
  • 1/4 cup (generous) cocoa powder
  • 1 cup shredded coconut
  • 1/4 cup (generous) coconut oil melted
  • 1/4 cup raw honey


  1. Mix together all ingredients. Pour on a piece of unbleached parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Spread out to about 1/4″ thick.
  2. Place fudge in freezer. Let set for about 30 minutes.
  3. Break into pieces and serve or put in container back in freezer until you are ready to serve.


Share Your Just-Sweet-Enough Treat with the Rest of Us

Rules for Sharing:

This is a sharing post. So…please share.

The rules for sharing are simple: If you take a taste (link from this post to your blog) you should share a taste (link from your blog back to this post).

If you’re linking to a recipe in your Plan to Eat account, you don’t need to bother with “sharing a taste”. Just copy and paste the web address for your recipe from your Plan to Eat account.

How to Get Your Dish Onto the Goodie Table:

I really want this to be easy and accessible to everyone, so leave me a comment if you have trouble. I’ll do my best to help you out. It’s a little bit harder than just setting a bowl of veg on the table, but I promise it’s pretty easy. Just click on the link below that says “Click to view/add link” and follow the directions from there.

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