The Best Thing I Ate This Week: Fish Soup

I was trying to come up with a killer name for this recipe, one that would match the deliciousness of the soup. But my synapses are still firing in GAPS-mode, and my creativity is slow in coming. So, for now, “Fish Soup” is the best I can do.

Don’t let the boring name fool you, this soup is everything a fish soup should be–briny, buttery, and rich without being heavy. It’s suitable for practically every stage of the GAPS Diet. However, just because all of the ingredients are GAPS-allowed, does not mean they will be tolerated by your personal GAPS program. If you can’t have tomatoes, leave them out. If you can’t imagine soup without onions, throw in some shallots. Feel free to switch out ingredients as prescribed by your own GAPS diet.

I highly recommend using homemade fish stock–the flavor makes such a difference. My fish stock was made for me by my wonderful friend who cooks stock and ferments veggies for me when I don’t have the energy to do it myself. She tells me that fish bones can be had for practically nothing from Whole Foods (the best place for fresh fish in our neck of the woods). If you’re unsure how to make it, a quick google search will yield dozens of videos and websites ready to help you out.

Into each bowl of soup, add whatever eggs or oils or avocados you are using on your GAPS program. For me, this means two egg yolks, half of an avocado, a generous drizzle of olive oil, and a pinch of sea salt.

I was touched by all the comments last week asking me to continue posting about my GAPS journey. I honestly had no idea that so many of you were following along, and I’m glad that writing about my experiences has benefited more people than just me. I’ll still be posting about GAPS, I’m just changing up the format a little bit. Most weeks I’ll be here with a recipe, or a product review, or some little tip to help make you more comfortable on your GAPS journey. Once a month I’ll give you a longer, more detailed post about what my GAPS is looking like.

Of course, this change has nothing to do with you lovely readers. If I could keep writing how I’ve been writing I would. But GAPS is taking a lot of work, and I have very little energy. If I’m going to finish this journey, I have to give the majority of my energy to the diet, and not to writing about it. Please feel free to leave your comments and questions as always. I’m so happy to help each of you on your own journey if I can.

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Fish Soup

This soup is appropriate for all stages of the GAPS Diet. Feel free to replace ingredients with whatever is best tolerated by your GAPS program.

Source: Erin at Plan to Eat

Course: Paleoish-Soup and Stew

Main Ingredient: Fish



  • 2 quarts homemade fish stock
  • 12 pound wild cod deboned and chopped
  • 12 pound wild shrimp peeled, cleaned and chopped
  • 4 tomatoes peeled, seeded and chopped
  • 1 zucchini peeled, seeded and chopped
  • 12 pound mushrooms washed and chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic minced
  • 1 Tbs fresh lemon juice
  • 12 cup fresh parsley chopped
  • 12 cup fresh dill chopped
  • 14 cup fresh marjoram chopped
  • 14 cup ghee
  • sea salt and pepper


  1. Warm the fish stock in a large pot over high heat until boiling. Add the tomatoes, zucchini, mushrooms, and garlic. Reduce the heat, cover, and simmer until the veggies are tender, about 10-15 minutes. Add the lemon juice and the herbs and simmer, covered, for another 5 minutes. Stir in the ghee and sea salt and pepper (to taste). Serve with whatever eggs, oils, and avocados are allowed on your GAPS program.

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