Saying Grace: Review & Giveaway!

I’m willing to venture a guess that most cultures around the world have some tradition of saying thanks before a meal. Whether it is to a deity or to nature or to a farmer, it seems that we are all united in recognizing that the food on our table did not arrive there by chance, but by grace.

As most of us are preparing our homes and tables (and bellies) for Thanksgiving, it seems appropriate to share this little book with you. I found it in the library and the publisher happily provided me with two copies–one for my table*, and one for yours.

Our table happens to be a Christian one, and so there is no shortage of table blessings in our house. All of our kids pray before meals, sometimes out loud, and sometimes quietly. Even the Peanut will (adorably) hold hands, bow her head, whisper some inaudible words, and say “Amen”. But I love the variety of prayers and blessings in this book, and I thought it might freshen up our meal-time prayers.

Saying Grace is a compendium of prayers, blessings, proverbs, sayings, and quotes from around the world. The editor has done a fabulous job of gathering widely diverse ways of saying grace–from reverent to humorous, from American to African, from Christian to Hindu. Interspersed among the blessings are delightful and colorful illustrations of people growing food, sharing food, cooking food, and harvesting food.

We keep this book beside the table and allow the kiddos the option of choosing a blessing to read. Sometimes they choose one that is funny and not entirely reverent, which is fine. After reigning in the giggles, we require that they follow up with a genuine prayer of thanksgiving. Sometimes the blessing is thought-provoking and sincere and we simply let the words rest over the table.

I guarantee you that no matter your culture, ethnicity, or religion you will find something in this book to delight your table at meal-time. Be sure to enter the giveaway below for a chance to add a copy to your home.

And for your Thanksgiving table, I offer you this blessing, from page 13:

Great God accept our gratitude,
For the great gifts on us bestowed–
For raiment, shelter, and for food.

Great God, our gratitude we bring,
Accept our humble offering,
For all the gifts on us bestowed,
Thy name be evermore adored.

Josephine Delphine Henderson Heard
(1861-1921), African-American Poet, Doxology

We are thankful to have the opportunity to share Saying Grace with one of you! This giveaway will begin Wednesday, November 21 and end on Monday, November 26 at 11:59 p.m.

To enter the giveaway leave a comment telling us something you’re thankful for.

* Review posts are my opinions on items that were sent to me free of charge. The items were given to me, but the thoughts and opinions are my own. I only provide reviews of items that I find to be truly worthy of recommendation.

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