Winter pork pot roast with sweet root vegetables

It’s been COLD this week. Yesterday was a high of 4 degrees. Without my garden bounty to inspire me I turn to the winter storage vegetables and good meats for comfort food inspiration.


I ordered some nice shoulder roasts from a local farm, and decided to put one into a simple pot roast for dinner. I love surprising my husband with these savory smells as he kicks the snow off his boots and walks into the warm house.

The other nice thing about a pot roast is you can toss in all of the ingredients early in the day and just let it cook, relaxing with the knowledge that most of dinner is done. There’s not a lot of detailed chopping either – just large, quick cuts. The ingredients all melt together beautifully.

Pork pairs nicely with fruit; apples, peaches, cranberries. I didn’t have an abundance of these – but I DID have some sweet root vegetables. My organic yams and carrots begged to be included in this dish – and it was a simple decision at that point to include them.

Served over brown rice:


Served in a bowl with crusty sourdough:



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Winter Pork Pot Roast with Sweet Root Vegetables


Course: Main Course

Main Ingredient: Beef



  • 1 pastured pork roast (shoulder or rump)
  • Sea salt & fresh ground pepper
  • 2 medium onions cut in to large pieces
  • 5-6 garlic cloves rougly chopped
  • 4 sprigs rosemary roughly chopped
  • 4-5 large organic carrots rinsed and roughly chopped
  • 4 organic yams cut into large cubes
  • 12-1 cup red wine
  • 2 cups home made broth


  1. Begin by patting your roast dry, then seasoning generously with sea salt and freshly ground pepper.
  2. Add a glug of olive oil to a dutch oven or heavy bottomed pot. Sear your roast on a few sides to get a bit of color.
  3. Add onions, garlic, rosemary, and stir around the roast while you chop your carrots and yams. Peel or don’t peel. (I don’t – the carrot skins are rich in vitamins, and the yam skins slide right off. DO peel them if they’re not organic).
  4. Slosh in your red wine, then add your broth to the mixture.
  5. Cover and let simmer for 3-4 hours. The longer it cooks, the softer your veg will be – which will turn your broth into a lovely, sweet sauce – and the meat will be so tender it can be shredded into more of a stew.
  6. I like to garnish mine with some fresh parsley to finish. The yams nearly melt by the time the meat is cooked – and a bite of the pork with some soft yam… delicious! Of course, I would recommend a nice glass of red wine and a large salad to go with it. Dig in!

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