Raw Crunch Bars: finally, a solution for lunchboxes (and a giveaway!)


With school starting again I am finding myself wandering the aisles of the grocery store looking for easy and quick snacks to toss into lunch boxes. Most of the pre-packaged treats commonly available come with unpronounceable ingredients, and I really don’t see the benefit of feeding them to my children, so the product goes back on the shelf and I continue aimlessly wandering the store. I am looking for something that is genuinely nutritious and ready to quickly go into a lunchbox on a day when I am behind schedule… which is most days.

A few weeks ago I received a box in the mail that proved to be the perfect solution. Raw Crunch sent a sampling of their energy bars made entirely from organic ingredients that are completely recognizable to normal people; sesame seeds, sunflowers, pumpkin seeds, cashews, blueberries, flax seeds, pecans, honey, macadamia nuts, and sea salt. The ingredients are not processed, or even cooked, in any way, which keeps the natural nutrients and enzymes intact. The result is that when you eat these bars, they actually help you to feel nourished.

Yes, that is what I was looking for!


The bars were originally designed for, and by, athletes looking for a food that would leave them feeling clean and energized, which made these a perfect fit for my son and I to take on an outing to the climbing gym. The bars enabled us to have a long afternoon of climbing without hunger pangs, which is rare. We are usually ravenous as we pack up and head home for dinner. I can just as easily see these bars making their way to soccer practice or dance class.


If you’ve been hunting for that perfect snack that is made of real food, but thwarted by every product ingredient panel, I encourage you to give these a try! Raw Crunch comes in 4 flavors and can be purchased directly from their website, or you can enter below to win a box of your very own. Entering is simple and Raw Crunch will ship the free box of bars directly to you.

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