Peanut Butter – Chia Energy Bites


We really like chia seeds in our house. They’re versatile and full of good things and pretty tasty to boot. Actually, chia seeds don’t taste like much, which is probably why it’s so easy to incorporate them into all sorts of delicious-tasting things.

Beyond stirring them into porridge and using them as a yogurt topping, I like to make snacks with them. Chia seeds are predominantly made up of good fats and proteins, so they have a satiating effect at snack time. They also absorb a ton of liquid, so they make a great “pudding” when mixed with milk.

But when I need a quick snack, one that whips up in a few minutes to serve the hungry masses, I usually turn to something like this. It’s barely sweetened, though you could crank it up if you so desire. It’s really simple and utilizes just a few ingredients and pieces of equipment. Best of all, it’s really tasty with the chia seeds adding a bit of crunch to a sweet, creamy, peanut butter filling.

You could also dust these in cocoa powder. I won’t tell.


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Peanut Butter- Chia Energy Bites


Course: Snacks and Sandwiches

Serves: 4


  • 1/2 cup Creamy Natural Peanut Butter
  • 2 Tbsp Raw Honey
  • 1/4 tsp. Vanilla Extract
  • 2 1/2 Tbsp Tapioca Flour
  • 1/4 cup Chia Seeds


  1. In a small bowl or glass measuring cup combine the peanut butter, honey, vanilla, tapioca flour, and 2 tablespoons of the chia seeds. This mixture should be moist and pliable but not overly sticky. If it is overly sticky, add an additional 1/2 tablepoon of tapioca flour.
  2. Pour the remaining chia seeds into a separate, small bowl. Scoop out tablespoonfuls of the peanut butter mixture and very carefully shape them into a ball with your hands. Gently drop into chia seeds and roll around until coated, using the tips of your fingers.
  3. Move energy bites to plate and repeat with remaining ingredients. These can be eaten as is, but are soft if your peanut butter was thin. If a firmer bite is desired, refrigerate for 30-60 minutes to allow them to firm up.

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