Declutter Your Kitchen in 6 Easy Steps

Do you have too many gadgets and tools cluttering up your kitchen?

The answer to that question is obviously subjective, but you might if you…

  • Have to dig through a drawer of tools to find the one you need
  • Have to store gadgets and appliances in hard-to-reach places
  • Have many items that you haven’t used in 6-12 months (or longer!)

Kitchen gadgets are appealing because they promise to make our lives easier by simplifying this task or that one, but having too many leads to a cluttered, unorganized kitchen, which really just complicates cooking and cleaning up.

If you’ve noticed this in your kitchen but you’re not sure how to start decluttering or if you’re really ready to give up some of your tools, try this simple method:

1. Start emptying your drawers one at a time.

2. Consider what tools can serve dual purposes and how many of each you really need.

3. Put the items you use regularly back into the drawer.

4. If you have seasonal items that you only use occasionally but are invaluable in the kitchen (such as a tool you use for making your famous Christmas cookies!), consider moving them out of your regular drawers into an out-of-the-way cabinet.

5. Put the tools you’re comfortable getting rid of in a yard sale or charity box.

6. Put the ones you’re not too sure about in a temporary box with the date on the outside. If you realize that you miss any of the tools you’ve packed away, you can pull them out. After three to six months, pack up the box and move it into the giveaway/sell pile!

Some people prefer to put all of their kitchen tools in a box and only pull out items as they need them. I personally find that method a little too cumbersome, but you should choose the system that works best for you!

Enjoy your new spacious drawers and cabinets, and you may just find yourself more aggressively decluttering as you get used to the extra space!

When was the last time you decluttered your kitchen tools?

Photo by Desmonkey

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