Baked Cod Wrapped in Bacon with Rosemary

For our meal tonight on our cooking journey we had:

This was amazing! And so easy to prepare. I used mahi-mahi instead of cod so the pieces were a bit bigger than the picture in Jamie’s book and had to cook longer. They were so moist wrapped in the bacon and the nice smokey flavor seeped all the way through the fish. The combination of rosemary and bacon is wonderful. This is one you have to try! I would eat more fish if it all tasted like this!

We are having salad every night now because it is so easy to throw it together with my pre-washed lettuce in a bowl and my jam jar dressing. So tonight’s meal was quick and simple and very tasty.

Tell us what you think! Leave a comment on the post for a recipe you cook from this weeks meal plan and you will be entered into our giveaway. We will randomly select one person who has cooked with us and commented before 8 pm eastern time on Sunday, March 20 to receive a 1 year subscription to Plan to Eat! So, cook this meal, and let us know how you like it!

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