Fried Eggs and a Fresh Fruit Platter

For the beginning of our 4th week cooking through Jamie Oliver’s cookbook Jamie’s Food Revolution I chose recipes that I thought would be a little less challenging. I was very surprised at how much I learned from such simple recipes!

We love to have breakfast for dinner! So tonight we enjoyed our eggs and fruit in a lovely new way. We eat fried eggs several times a week on toast with a thin piece of ham and a small slice of cheese. It is so yummy. My normal mode of operation when cooking eggs is to crank up the heat in my cast iron skillet and fry till crispy. Jamie’s recipe instructs you to cook the eggs on medium to low and slowly cook the eggs so no crispies form. I did this skeptically. The resulting egg was so lovely! It is soft and has so much more flavor than cooking it on high heat. I am converted. This is why I am enjoying cooking through this cookbook. I am forcing myself to try new ways of doing things I assumed I already fully understood. Like cooking eggs.

The fruit platter was also a bit of a revelation for me. We eat a lot of fruit, but I never cut up this many different fruits at once to serve together. Everyone loved it. We served it with yogurt and left over granola from last week’s meal plan. It could have easily been dinner all by itself. The combination of flavors was glorious.

Don’t be put off by the simplicity of these recipes. Try them and see if you don’t get stretched a little in your cooking style. Then leave us a comment and you will be entered in this weeks giveaway. Just be sure to comment before 8pm eastern, Sunday March 27.

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