Get Into Oatmeal

This final recipe from this weeks meal plan was a stretch for me. We are cooking through Jamie Oliver’s cookbook, Jamie’s Food Revolution and today we had:

We like oatmeal in our house and have a very particular way that we do things. So suggesting to my kids that we deviate from the norm was not popular. The banana and cinnamon was pretty good, my kids did really enjoy the maple syrup as a change but the rest was too outside the bounds of acceptable oatmeal topping. DH and I had the blackberry and apple and it was good, I especially liked the apple topping. It would be good on yogurt. I tend to like oatmeal with nuts and raisins to give it a bit more protein so it sticks around longer into the morning.  This was not a bad variation, but I doubt we well keep much of it.

Let us know what you think!  Cook a recipe from this week’s meal plan, leave a comment on the post and you will be entered to win a 1 year free subscription to Plan to Eat, even if you already have and account.  Just comment before 8 pm eastern, today, March 13th.

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