Stock Your Freezer with “Overripe” Bananas and Save

I probably look like a crazy woman when I head to our local grocery store and load up my cart with bags of “overripe” bananas, but because they’re so versatile, I usually buy as many as the store has available.

The funny thing about “overripe” bananas is that they’re really not overripe at all! In fact, bananas aren’t fully ripe until they begin to develop brown spots, but of course most people prefer to buy bright yellow, unblemished bananas, so grocery stores sell the older ones at a steep discount.

So what do we do with all of those bananas? 

My kids eat a lot of bananas each week, so a good portion of them simply sit out on the counter until they’re eaten.

I peel and freeze the rest in batches of 4 or 5 bananas to be used in:

You could also dip them in chocolate and freeze them for a yummy treat, and I recently came across this recipe, which I can’t wait to try:


  • frozen banana
  • cream
  • cinnamon sugar


1. Cut the frozen banana into thick slices and layer in the bottom of a bowl.

2. Drizzle slowly with cream, which will freeze on the bananas.

3. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar…and enjoy!

Do you purchase “overripe” bananas to freeze? What else do you make with them?

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