My Must-Have Road Food For Staying Well

One of the most difficult times to try to plan meals and keep healthy eating on track is when you are traveling. In the case of our family, we are currently moving across country and stopping to visit a few family members along the way. It isn’t exactly conducive to our usual rhythms in the kitchen and at the table.

Fortunately, we were able to pack a bit of food for the road. I don’t really plan full meals around this food, but rather use it to keep us afloat. Sometimes entire meals result from these specifically chosen foods, but more often than not they supplement some less than stellar quick grab food.

For this reason I think of them as supplements and completely necessary. So in my road food cooler you will find foods full of protein, healthy fats, enzymes and probiotics – things not usually found when you eat out at randomly chosen places.

My road foods of choice include:

Kombucha. Buy it from the health food store or make a large batch yourself before your trip using a starter culture.

Raw Cheese & Cultured Dairy. Finding good milk on the road is hard enough without trying to make something from it. These two items provide all of the protein, fat, enzymes, and probiotics in one tasty food.

Fresh Fruit. Berries and apples are our fruits of choice to keep sugar in check. Spread with nut butter or added to some good yogurt, these make excellent additions to meals and snacks.

Minimally Processed Meats. Trying to find pre-cooked lunch meats that aren’t really full of salt, preservatives, and other weird stuff is a bit of a budget challenge, but worth the money for the good quality protein.

Probiotics. These are my go-to supplement for an everyday boost or in cases of illness. As I type my son and I are on the final mend from some sort of food poisoning or stomach bug. I credit probiotics with a much, much shorter bout of illness than I would have expected.

So those are my must-have foods for the road.

What do you pack to eat and stay well on the road?

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