Recipe Swap Friday–Confetti Kale

Thanks for joining us for Recipe Swap Friday! I hope you’re enjoying all these veggie recipes as much as I am. Thanks to all of you who are linking up and sharing your yummy dishes o’ veg.

If this is your first time joining us, we’re swapping veggie recipes to kick off the new year. You can link up to your favorite veggie recipe below, either on your blog or in your Plan to Eat account. If linking up to your Plan to Eat account, just cut and paste the url from the recipe in your recipe book.

Here’s what I brought this week:

This was a great substitute for plain old salad, especially in the middle of winter. And it was super-easy to make.

The folks around our dinner table were just about split on their preference of it–half liked it, half did not. The Pickle spent 15 minutes separating out the peppers and corn (which he liked) from the kale (which he did not like) and then eating them independently. If you’re not a fan of kale then you could substitute a less bitter green. Try spinach, collards, or chard.

A note on the cooking time, I didn’t cook this nearly as long as the instructions say to. Feel free to adjust the cooking time to your preferences.

Plan to Eat users, click on the recipe title to import the recipe into your account.

Confetti Kale

Source: Simply in Season, Mary Beth Lind and Cathleen Hockman-Wert


  • 6 cups organic kale, chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 34 cup organic frozen corn, thawed
  • 12 cup organic red bell pepper, chopped
  • 14 cup water
  • 12 tsp salt
  • 14 tsp pepper


  1. In a large frying pan, saute kale and garlic in 2 Tbs of olive oil over medium heat, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes.
  2. Mix in remaining ingredients and cook for 10 minutes. Serve immediately.


Share Your Yummy Veggie Recipe

Rules for Sharing:

This is a sharing post. So…please share.

The rules for sharing are simple: If you take a taste (link from this post to your blog) you should share a taste (link from your blog back to this post).

If you’re linking to a recipe in your Plan to Eat account, you don’t need to bother with “sharing a taste”. Just copy and paste the web address for your recipe from your Plan to Eat account.

How to Get Your Dish Onto the Goodie Table:

I really want this to be easy and accessible to everyone, so leave me a comment if you have trouble. I’ll do my best to help you out. It’s a little bit harder than just setting a bowl of veg on the table, but I promise it’s pretty easy. Just click on the link below that says “Click to view/add link” and follow the directions from there.

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