Coconut-Custard Pie

Way back when we first started our More with Less cookbook tour, a reader recommended I try this recipe. It’s been marked in my cookbook for a while, but I haven’t gotten around to making it. I finally did and am so pleased with it.

I think the thing I like most about it is that it takes about two minutes from the time that I start pulling out ingredients to the time I put it in the oven. It’s barely even long enough to preheat the oven. Don’t get me wrong. I love fine baking. I adore a classic pie crust. There was even a time when I really enjoyed making those things (and I hope I will enjoy it again…someday). But this season of life, with my four little ones and their lessons and their laundry and their hungry bellies, calls for things that require a little less attention.

This pie is mixed in the blender, and then poured into a pie plate. I really had doubts that this thin liquid was going to turn into anything worthwhile, but it did. The top and bottom are toasty and crispy and the inside is creamy and soft. I was making this to share with a friend, so I made two 8″ pies instead of one 10″ pie. I’d like to try it again with my own 10″ pie plate and see if it comes out with a thicker soft center.

I made quite a few ingredient changes. My friend with whom I was sharing has a sick son, and I wanted her family to get as many nutrients as possible. Therefore, I swapped out the following ingredients: margarine for butter, white flour for whole wheat flour, milk for half and half, sugar for Rapadura sugar. The ingredients below are the ones I used in making my pie. Feel free to use either one that suits your diet and taste preferences.

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Coconut-Custard Pie

Crispy on top and bottom, creamy in the middle.

Source: More With Less by Doris Janzen Longacre

Course: Treats (Pie)



  • 4 eggs
  • 6 Tbs butter
  • 12 cup whole wheat flour
  • 2 cups half and half
  • 34 cup sweetener honey, agave, Rapadura, etc.
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 cup shredded coconut


  1. Directions on page 279 in More with Less.

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