Rustic Rye Pasta (wheat-free)

When you can’t eat some of your favorite foods you can become a bit blah about meals. This seems to be the case with my husband who is currently avoiding wheat and pasteurized dairy.

What I mean by blah is that you kind of feel like you can’t eat some of your favorite foods so why get excited about it anyway. I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing since finding moderation with food can be a struggle sometimes, but as the cook for our family it leaves me at a loss for inspiration.

So when I asked him what he felt like eating the other night and he said “Ya know, I haven’t had any good noodles in a really long time” I knew what I needed to do.

I had made pasta before, back in the early days of our marriage when we didn’t have three children, two acres, and twenty chickens who constantly need attention. I knew it was a bit more time consuming than some of my usual kitchen endeavors, but I also knew that if I could pull something together for him that he would love then every second would be worth it.

And so a bit of extra time in the kitchen and the five of us gathered around the table later, these very rustic rye noodles were met with oohs and ahhs. And every second of trying to calm the baby while kneading dough and cutting noodles by hand was so, so worth it.


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Rustic Rye Pasta (wheat-free)


Course: Main (Vegetarian)



  • 3 12 – 4 cups rye flour
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 quarts water
  • 2 tablespoons sea salt


  1. In a medium bowl add flour to water until a stiff dough begins to form. Once you have a ball of dough move it to a clean, floured surface and knead for about ten minutes or until somewhat smooth.
  2. At this point start the water over a high heat in order to bring it to a boil.
  3. Divide the dough into quarters. Lightly flour a rolling pin and the work surface. Roll the dough out into a square or a rectangle. No need to be perfect, remember this is rustic. Roll the dough as thin as you can, pulling it up and flouring the surface and rolling pin as needed.
  4. Once the dough is rolled out as far as you’d like use a pizza cutter or a sharp knife to cut long 1/8″ wide noodles. Stack these noodles loosely on a plate (or a pot lid, in my case). Repeat with the other three sections of dough.
  5. Once the pasta is cut and the water is boiling, add the salt to the water and then drop 1/4 of the noodles in at a time. Cook for 3-5 minutes or until they float. Remove and drain very well. Serve with your favorite sauce.

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