The Plan to Eat Top 100(ish)–Easy Garlic Chicken

With a four-star review at, over 190 of Plan to Eat users have added this recipe to their recipe books. At #28 in the Plan to Eat Top 100(ish) recipes is Easy Garlic Chicken.

You guys. You had me at “Easy”.


I’ll be honest. There is nothing astounding about the flavor combinations in this dish. Nothing intriguing or different, nothing to make you roll the flavor over the back of your tongue whilst trying to determine what that elusive taste is.

But I am a busy mama. There are dishes to wash, lessons to teach, weeds to pull, clothes to launder, and diapers to change. Some days it’s a struggle to keep the household afloat and keep my own head above the rising tide. On those days, I like to have recipes like this one in my back pocket. Recipes that use real-food ingredients that are always in my pantry, that take absolutely no thought, and are ready to eat in 30 minutes or less.


I made my dish with honey, instead of the brown sugar the recipe calls for. And I mixed in a half-teaspoon or so of Chinese five-spice powder for a little oomph. You could use different spice blends and get a different flavor every time. Try an Italian herb blend, or lemon-pepper, or Garam Masala. The leftovers were a tasty addition to my lunch salad the following day.

Easy and tasty weeknight dinner with minimal effort? Sign me up.

You can find the recipe for Easy Garlic Chicken, here, at

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