Banana & Chocolate Cream ‘Tiramisu’ (Grain-free)

We spent all day yesterday looking for some ‘lost’ library books. Fines were accumulating, so we literally cleaned every room. Still, no books. Turns out they had been neatly tucked inside a book bag hidden behind my purse… right where they were supposed to be.

I decided we needed a reward for our hard work. CAKE was in order. And chocolate, too. This is how things began:

“I need to use up this whipping cream. Hmmm… I also have lots of bananas. Yes… bananas. Those go well with chocolate and cake…”

When my cake turned out kind of ugly because I over-beat the eggs and lost some moisture, I thought…. how can I disguise it?

“I’ll just have to cut it up and cover it with whipped cream. Kind of like… tiramisu!”

When these ‘happy accidents’ happen – I am excited enough to share.  So here it is:


So, this isn’t a REAL tiramisu.  I didn’t use mascarpone cheese, didn’t let it sit overnight (who has time for that?) – and no coffee (but it definitely goes well with a cup!). Bananas aren’t in tiramisu – but stay with me… it’s SO good.

I began knowing I would use a grain-free, moist cake.  Find the recipe HERE.

After it had cooled, I removed it from the little loaf pan, sliced it up and laid half of them in the bottom of a glass dish.

I decided against using coffee in this dessert (since I was sharing with my daughters), but I DID drizzle some Irish Cream Liquer over the cake slices.  (I’d rather mellow them out than hype them up.)

I whipped up some grass-fed organic cream and added cocoa powder, honey and vanilla extract.  This turned it into a chocolatey, fluffy little  bit of heaven. My version of ‘crema di cioccolato’.

After that first layer of cake with the Irish Cream drizzle – next came a layer of chocolate cream,  then sliced bananas.

Then, more cake, with more Irish Cream drizzle – and then…

MORE whipped cream.

This time, (without the chocolate).

And a dusting of unsweetened cocoa to finish.

The moral of this story is this:

Work with what you’ve got, and don’t give up if things don’t turn out perfect.

Oh, and yes…

ALWAYS buy lots of whipping cream.


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Banana & Chocolate Cream Grain Free ‘Tiramisu’

Course: Desserts



  • 12 cup coconut flour
  • 14 teaspoon sea salt
  • 14 teaspoon baking soda
  • 6 fresh eggs
  • 12 cup melted coconut oil or grass-fed butter
  • 13 cup coconut sugar (or honey)
  • 1-2 Tablespoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1 Drizzle Irish Cream Liquer
  • 1 Cup Cream Organic
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa powder to taste
  • 1 teaspoon honey to taste
  • 1 Banana Sliced


  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Mix the coconut flour, salt, baking soda, and coconut sugar together until it is free from clumps.
  3. Beat the eggs, melted fat, and vanilla together (in a mixer if you use one). Get it nice and frothy so that your cake will be airy.
  4. Add the dry ingredients gently to the dry ingredients, and mix until well blended and smooth. Do not over-mix.
  5. Pour into a well oiled & dusted cake pan and bake for 30 – 35 minutes. (If your batter isn’t pourable, add a smidge of water and mix again.) It’s done when you insert a toothpick and it comes out clean.
  6. Let it cool and remove from pan. Slice it up and lay half of them down in the bottom of a glass dish.
  7. Drizzle on Irish Cream Liquer over the cake slices.
  8. Whip up some grass-fed organic cream and add cocoa powder, honey and vanilla extract. This will turn it into a chocolately, fluffy little bit of heaven.
  9. Build the layers: cake, irish cream drizzle, chocolate cream, sliced bananas, more cake, more irish cream, more whipped cream (without chocolate). Dust with unsweetened cocoa to finish.

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