Enhanced Feature: The Robust Recipe Search

We are excited to announce the launch of a new Sort, Filter, and Search in your Recipe Book that will allow you to find recipes based on specific ingredients. This search functionality is helpful for finding recipes when you need to cook from the remnants of a partially depleted pantry, or have a box of random veggies from your CSA that you are not sure what to do with. By searching for those ingredients in your Recipe Book you can find all of the recipes that contain the ingredients. By having a list of recipes that contain those ingredients, you can put together a plan that will best help you work with what you have on-hand.


The new search will also work the other way round, allowing you to exclude recipes containing ingredients that you are trying to avoid. This is helpful in situations such as food allergies, where you are trying to find a list of recipes that do not contain a particular allergen.

All of the new search and filter capabilities can also be saved for future searches. This allows you to make complex searches that may include certain ingredients, exclude others, sort your list in a particular way, and allow you to do the same search in the future at the press of a button.

These features are available whether you are looking at your recipes, your Planner, or your Plan to Eat Friend’s recipes. Give it a try and let us know what you think.

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