Earn 20% of every referral payment through our Affiliate Program (with new features!)

If you share Plan to Eat with your friends, family, or online peeps, you can earn a 20% commission when those people purchase Plan to Eat subscriptions of their own. And if you are already using the Affiliate Program, we have some exciting new referral options mentioned toward the bottom of this post.

Here’s how the Affiliate Program works:

Join the Affiliate Program


First, you have to let us know that you want to be a part of it. To join:

  1. Log into your account and press the “My Account” link at the top.
  2. Press the “Learn More” button for the details about how the program works.
  3. You will be asked to agree to the Terms of Service. After you have read the terms (you did read them, right?), assuming you agree with them, check the box and press the button.

You’re in!

Once you are part of the program, referrals will be associated with your account when:

  1. You send a friend request email and they sign up for a trial using the unique link in the welcome email.
  2. You share a link to one of your recipes on your website or social media and a person visits that recipe and signs up for a trial.
  3. You share your referral link, or promotional banner, on your website and a person signs up for a trial.
  4. An existing Plan to Eat customer manually selects your account as their affiliate when they are signing up for a subscription.

Getting Paid

  1. Commission payments are based on 20% of the subscription fee. A $4.95 monthly subscription will result in a $1 affiliate payment. A $39 annual subscription will result in an $8 affiliate payment. Your commission is calculated every time your referral makes a payment and you can access a running list of your referrals by clicking on the Referral Tracking link on your Account Details page.referraltracking
  2. Affiliate commissions are paid before the 15th of every month and are based on your referral’s payments from the previous month.
  3. Affiliate payments are paid through PayPal and require a PayPal account (sorry, no checks or cash). You are required to have a PayPal account and a working email address associated with your Plan to Eat account to receive commission payments from PayPal. We recommend that you use the same email in your Plan to Eat account that you use for your PayPal account, but you can also add the email that you use in Plan to Eat to your PayPal account as a second email.
  4. You can participate in the affiliate program during your free trial period. However, you will not be paid affiliate commissions until you sign up for a subscription to Plan to Eat. You only have to pay one time for a subscription in order to receive affiliate commission indefinitely.

The Promotional Tools

We provide you with promotional tools to help spread the word

  1. The first tool is a basic link and will look something like this: “http://plan-stage-2.dev-cycle.com/ref/7670373c80”. This link can be shared on Facebook, in an email, or on a website. If you share this link on many social media websites you may notice that they will change the link to something specific in their system. That’s OK. By the time the link makes its way to our server we will be able to see your referral code and you will credit for the referral.
  2. The second tool is HTML code that will place a text link on your website.
    htmlcodeWhen you copy and paste this code into your website, you will get a link that looks like this: Plan to Eat
  3. The third tool is HTML code that will place a banner on your website. Once you select the size of button that you would like, you can copy and paste the code into your website.
  4. The fourth tool is a little different. When you send a friend request to someone who does not have a Plan to Eat account, they accept the request, and become a paid subscriber, that person counts as your referral.

NEW!! Referral Options

There are new options available to you on the Promotional Tools page that allow you to customize how the Affiliate Program works.

  1. When you share your referral link, by default, that is all you are doing. You are not sharing your recipes. You are not asking to see their recipes. By checking the checkbox that reads “Automatically share my recipes with anyone that uses my referral link” they will be able to see your recipes in their Friends tab. This is helpful if you are a recipe author with recipes that you would like to promote.

    referralIf you would like to exchange recipes, so that you can see their recipes and they can see yours, you will need to send them a friend request.

  2. You can also customize your referral link using the box in the Referral Options. By default your referral link will be generated by Plan to Eat and will read something like this: http://plan-stage-2.dev-cycle.com/ref/7670373c80, which is not a very pretty link. However, this link can be customized to anything you would like, such as a website or company name, so that it will look something like this: http://plan-stage-2.dev-cycle.com/ref/EatRealFoodreferralcodePlease note that no spaces are allowed, only letters.

Plan to Eat is a small business that thrives on word-of-mouth marketing. We are grateful for customers that want to partner with us to spread the word about the benefits of meal planning, and we want to make sure that you have all of the tools that you need to do it. If there is anything we can do to better support you through our Affiliate Program, please let us know by emailing our support website: support@plantoeat.com

A hearty “Thank you!” to everyone who participates in the Affiliate Program. We’re grateful for you!

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