Grain-Free Granola

Awhile ago our family did the GAPS diet, which means no sugar and no grain (among other things). I thought I would miss sugar the most, but that wasn’t the case at all.  I was actually pretty okay without it.  I think it might have to do with the huge amount of probiotics I’d been consuming.  Has anyone else experienced this?  A reduction in sugar cravings when you eat more probiotics?  But I did really miss starches and grains.  So, this recipe for GAPS granola was a lifesaver.  And it was a hit with people not even on GAPS!

My mom was in town for a month and gamely stuck to the diet with us.  She felt great, lost some weight and her arthritis was hardly bothering her at all where it had been quite bad before.  She declared this the best granola she had ever tasted, with or without grains!  I must admit, we’re all pretty crazy about it, and still eat it, even off GAPS.  The original recipe is from the Internal Bliss cookbook, but I modified it quite a bit, so I’ll share our version here:

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Grain-Free Granola

  • 1 cup pumpkin seeds
  • 2 cups sunflower seeds
  • 3-4 cups dried coconut large flakes
  • 1/4 cup honey warmed if necessary
  • 1/8 cup oil something mild, like safflower
  • salt to taste
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 cup dried fruit pieces apricots, apples, date, raisins, cranberries, &c.
  • coconut flour optional


  1. Mix everything but the fruit and coconut together.
  2. Spread it out on a cookie sheet.
  3. Bake it at 350°F for at least 15 minutes.
  4. Mix in the coconut and give it another 5 minutes, but keep an eye on it and stir it every few minutes as it browns quickly.
  5. If you like, toss the dried fruit pieces in coconut flour so they didn’t stick to each other and clump up in the granola.
  6. Mix in the dried fruit and pour yourself a big bowl and enjoy!

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We think it’s soooo yummy.  Let me know if you try it and love it too!

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